Do we all have different religions or is it the same?
We are religious – how will this recognition come?
Are we religious just because we are Hindu, Sikh, or Muslim or not?
Religion :
What is religion?
Dharma is when one becomes one with one's quality.
Once upon a time:
I had a desire to meet some thief, swindler, or scoundrel and see what his quality was. I wanted to feel the energy of the skunk and see whether I felt nervous about the skunk or not.
I also met thieves, whether they were in white or black clothes.
The quality of a thief is to steal - he knows how to steal, and he will steal. If caught, will he confess? - Will he not - if he confesses? I respect your quality. If you say with honesty and justice 'Yes, I am a thief?' To accept this is to accept the quality of one's nature.
I am a thief, do I admit it?
I'm a liar, do I admit it?
Whenever I made a mistake, did I admit it?
Whatever I am doing, I am thinking, what is my feeling? How do I understand life? Accepting every quality of oneself in its true and real form and living in that nature only leads one to enter religion.
The experience I've shared appears to emphasize the importance of self-awareness, honesty, and self-acceptance as a means of personal growth and, potentially, a path toward a more meaningful or spiritual life. Here are some key points and insights from my experience.
1- Desire for Understanding.
2-Honesty and Confession.
3-Mistakes and Admission.
4-Understanding Life.
5-Acceptance of True Nature.
It's important to note that this experience reflects a particular philosophical perspective on personal growth and spirituality. Different religious and philosophical traditions may have varying views on the nature of self-acceptance, the role of confession, and the path to spiritual fulfillment. However, the experience emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and integrity as fundamental aspects of personal development and potentially a deeper connection with one's sense of purpose or spirituality